Congressman Brandon Boyle (D-PA) “the alliance between US and Europe built the modern world but that it is “under greater threat than certainly anytime in my lifetime.”
The Ambassador of the European Union to the United States, Stavros Lambrinidis: “If the European Union and the United States sit together… we will save the world, that is how important this relationship is.”
Scott Cullinane “The US-Europe Alliance seeks to invest new energy and effort in the transatlantic relationship”
New Transatlantic Effort in Washington: Launch of the US-Europe Alliance
Washington, DC – On June 25th, a new bipartisan effort was inaugurated in Washington, DC with the goal of strengthening the relationship between the United States and Europe. Named the USEurope Alliance (USEA), the organization is dedicated to educating and mobilizing Americans to advocate for the enduring strategic and economic partnership between US and Europe. The aim of the US-Europe Alliance is to be the voice of Americans who recognize that their interests lie in a strong transatlantic community.
Mick Mulvaney, Acting Chief of Staff to President Donald Trump, thanked the founders of USEA for “creating a formal event where we can have candid conversations.” He reiterated that President Trump has frequent contacts with European friends and that “America first does not mean America alone.”
Congressman Brandon Boyle (D-PA) applauded “the vision of those who founded this organization.” He said that the alliance between US and Europe built the modern world but that it is “under greater threat than certainly anytime in my lifetime.” He concluded by saying, “If we don’t have groups such as this… to remind people why the transatlantic alliance is so important, indeed so crucial, we risk losing them. I look forward to rolling up my sleeves with you, being committed to doing that work. Celebrating the remarkable achievements of this alliance over the last seven and half decades and working to make sure it continues into the future.”
Dr. Peter Navarro, Assistant to President Donald Trump and Director of the Office of Trade and Manufacturing Policy stated that, “It is only through honesty about one’s disagreements that you can come to some kind of truth and we need to have that similar process with respect to the European-US alliance, of course this administration is for an absolutely rock-solid alliance between the EU and US.”
The Ambassador of the European Union to the United States, Stavros Lambrinidis, commented that be believes “If the European Union and the United States sit together… we will save the world, that is how important this relationship is.” He emphasized that the USEA has put this topic “in the middle of our discussions, what is it that we have to achieve.”
Dr. Michael Auslin, the contemporary Asia fellow at the Hoover Institution, began his panel remarks by noting that twenty-to-thirty years ago, an organization like USEA would not have been needed, but now categorically faced with common challenges from the Chinese government, the US and Europe need to find new ways of cooperating.
In her remarks, Director for Global Programs at the Center for International Private Enterprise, Anna Kompanek, observed that, “We are seeing geopolitical trends where resurgent authoritarian countries such as China and Russia, having deep pockets, are presenting a different model to transitioning countries that often find it very hard to resist. That model is based on a very different rulebook that the US-Europe alliance has been based on.”
Richard Kraemer, the Republican co-chair of USEA stated, “We – Americans and Europeans – have been taking for granted what should be our cherished relationship. Our partnerships, based on shared democratic values, achieved unprecedented stability and prosperity in the face of existential military threats and severe economic downturns. They are being neglected to our peril.”